Accessible Technology

Electronic information is an essential part of the student experience, and an equally important part of work life for faculty and staff. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that UC Santa Cruz, as an educational institution, make its programs, services, and activities accessible to, and usable by, people with disabilities. When faculty and staff use the Internet to provide information, they are required to make that information accessible to those using adaptive technology.

Efforts are currently underway at the systemwide level to improve the accessibility of UC web content; these include creation of policy, coordination of training, and collaboration with other college systems. The UC Electronic Accessibility Initiative includes information on accessibility standards, as well as best practices on web design, content design, and procurement.

Accessible Technology at UCSC


The University of California is committed to providing an electronic environment that is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. This is consistent with the UCOP Electronic Communications Policy, and consistent with the requirements for equal access found in the Americans with Disabilities Act. To that end, faculty and staff must ensure that all campus electronic and information technology resources, including those used in the classroom, are fully accessible. Here is a link to the Faculty Accessibility page.

Other links of possible interest to Faculty:


Most Learning Technologies Labs on campus have software and hardware available to provide basic accommodations, such as wheelchair accessibility, tall tables for those who have difficulty sitting, ability to enlarge text, and alternative keyboards. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) has four adaptive workstations, and McHenry Library has such a workstation, as well. General adaptive technology can be found in all Learning Technologies Labs. Here is a link to Student Accessibility information.


If you need adaptive technology as an employee, you should discuss your needs with your supervisor. Funding for computing-related reasonable accommodations may be available by contacting Kelly Roberts, Disability Management Coordinator, at x9-4602 or Here is a link to Staff Accessibility information.